I HEART Dr. Woods Black Soap

Dr Woods Original Black Soap

Dr Woods Original Black Soap


I discovered this by accident while perusing one of the many beauty supply stores in my hometown of Harrisburg, Pa. I was hesitant to buy it because I am always afraid that those products that make claims and are “authentic” always become disappointments. My beauty product-aholic side won out and I purchased a 32 ounce bottle for $6.99. I used it the first night on my face and immediately noticed my skin was brighter and smoother (I suffer from terrible acne and stress related blemishes). I kept using it on my face only and one day my boyfriend says “Hey, your face looks like it is clearing up”. I was all happy and glowing and showed him the Dr. WoodsBlack Soap. He wanted to use it and he encouraged me to use it on my body. Well, talk about falling in love, my skin was like a baby’s bottom and so clean and free of soap residue. The scent while not all flowery, has a kind of medicinal aroma that grows on you and in my opinion gives you a fresh scent that lasts all day. I even noticed that if you wash with this everything seems a little fresher. i am hooked and now I have found a place online that carries the whole line so look for more love stories from me and Dr. Woods. We are in an open relationship because I encourage all of you to try it! LOL!

Dr. Woods orinal products with Shea Butter

Dr. Woods orinal products with Shea Butter


Guess who’s back……………..

Top view of my Red Fro'

Top view of my Red Fro

me all done up for my cousins Tyonna, Chick and Ceya Party
me all done up for my cousins Tyonna, Chick and Ceya Party

Nope….not Michael Jackson or Brittany Spears…..it is just the Inexpensive DIVA herself Ms. LaTosha Stoney aka SoulJourneys. I am so happy to be back with you and I hope as I keep posting little tidbits I will stop being my own “biggest fan”. LOL! Anyway, I had to take a break due to stress, love and life. I needed some me time. So many of us dp not take the time to recopnize when we need to spend a little TLC time with ourselves and that is murder on the inner and outer beauty. Trust me. Anyway, I am so excited about the upcoming holidays and I have made plenty of new discoveries in my absence and i am all about sharing. So I AM BACK……and I am happy you are still here. By the way….do you like my new look? 


I’ll be back……..

I know I have been lacksidasical with my posts and very flat, but i will be back. I just needed to put more into my life, love and career. Don’t forget about me.

Beauty Defined for August ……

This category is dedicated to all the things I find beautiful. Beauty is not always aesthetic, beauty to me is a spiritual gemstone with many facets. I experience beauty everyday with my eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, spirit, and heart. So today I embrace the beauty of Motherhood. I am embracing the tender kisses I was given, that smell that I can recognize anywhere because I lived inside of it for 9 months, the feel of brown satin when I touch my Mom’s arm, the strength she depletes herself of whenever one of us needs it, the laughter she shares, the lessons she taught us and now is teaching our girls, the bold , plainspoken way she gives us the business because she loves us and is worried over our decisions, the confidence I have, the freedom I possess, satiation of my body and spirit that she has provided through her prayers, and her innate sense of knowing that has kept me safe. I love you Mom, you are my definition of beauty.


Halle….. using her celebrity for a much needed change

Well Ms. Berry or should I say Mama Berry is not just using her beautiful bod for a clothes hanger, she is wearing clothing geared toward change according to a snippet on People.com. Halle has always remained positive and humble through her celebrité so for that and the fact you support Barack Obama……..

You Mama Berry are definitely what is HOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Way too much DIVA for me!

I was blog tripping and came across a blog called GlossLip.com discussing the fact that Jenny from da block doesn’t let her babes wear their clothes twice spending $1,000 per outfit. Now I like my babes to look cute but $1,000 are you crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see being married to a weird looking man has driven her to depression and she has to do something right? (Just joking Marc…u can’t help it)  No….seriously my dear “J-Lo” after all the other stuff we let slide with you ( gold digging, posing as a real hood chick from da block, being with Puffy) this right here…. well now you are so not HOT….. do you know how many kids you could cloth and feed with the outfits you buy for your kids in a month. This is our fault though because we buy into it CDs, movies, clothes, fragrances. I’m so over “J-Lo” right now. I for one do not support any celebrities who are frivilous and irresponsible like this.  Does she watch the news or don’t they get that where she lives high above the rest of us? So now she is not only not HOT….she is very corny, superficial and vain. You should be ashamed of what you are doing to those kids.

I understand DIVA but chile puh-leese!


Buy one get one Free!!!!! Wet Seal 07/30/08 and 07/31/08

Hey divas! Heads up! I am dashing to Wet Seal directly after work to see what they have left. I just spoke with my Mom and she said all of thier clearance items are BOGO FREE! I will post pics of what I find later!!!!!! See ya in da mall, it’s goin’ down!!!!!!!!!!

 Okay here is the scoop on this sale…. It is DA BOMB. This is a good way to invest in trendy stuff that you don’t want to spend resources on. I know you wanna know what did I get and how much did I pay right? Well… give ya girl her props……I got several deals to reveal.

I walked in to Wet Seal in the Capital City Mall with My MOM and we headed straight for the red signs. (Those and yellow tags are my siren song) I was really impressed that they had the sizes organized into different racks (I hate having to keep looking at what is cute in someone else’s size) and it didn’t look like a swap meet either so I was feelin’ the store right off the back because just because it’s a deal doesn’t mean you have to shop in filth. Anyway, I started browsing through the racks and came across several dresses which were not only super cute, but super cheap ($9.99 and the BOGO FREE, $5 to look “posh” for a JSS/LLNCKD affair). Now my blood was pumping, I should have took my pulse cause I know I reached my target heart rate. I started turning those hangers and piling shirts and dresses in the crook of my arm till my MOM had to call my name to make sure I hadn’t blacked out (that’s what shopping does to me). I finally got  a hold of myself and moved oon to the hardest part of my shopping trip…I call it “The Reality Check”…..this takes place in the fitting room ad separates your wants from your needs (such as I might want that tube dress, but I need Tae Bo LOL!) Needless to say my girls shut down two dresses right away one I couln’t get them in them and the other had pleats which became like a pressed shirt after the girls had their way. I did end up with one dress which is way cute, two tops (I paid $7.99 for both…$4.00 a shirt) and two tee shirts for my daughter JZE the DIVA ( I paid $4.99 for both…$2.50 each shirt regularly over $10 each). Iwill upadate this with pics of my steals later on tonight.

I walked away victorious and only spent $17.98! Now check out my next post on

Forever 21 and Body Central coming soon!

Prescription for a Diva-licious Spa Bath

Hello all of you transformation Divas out there. Today I am writing to you about what I really like….. a nice, relaxing, hot soak. I don’t know about you but this little magic dip can be the difference in which Diva I will be either that night or the next morning. You see a bath is more that just a way to clean my body, a bath is a cleansing process, a way to wash away the little sticky residue life left for that day and contemplate the “bob and weave” for tomorrow. A bath can be a precursor to a night of love with my man or the finale to a hard day’s work and topped off with a good book and a nice drink (not necessarily the Adult kind!) it can mean lights out and rejuvenation for the next day. Water is healing so baths are just what the doctor ordered. I am writing you a prescription for tonight:

Get one bathroom… may not be as lavish as this but as long as you can sit comfortably and relax it will do.  And of course don’t forgrt to clean it first and make sure the water is the right temp. No floaties or ER visits please!

Next get your tools together. I am a true Bath Connoisseur and I love bath stuff, but I will give some of my favorite basics:

A nice bubble bath to aid in the relaxation by stimulating the senses via touch and smell. Try one of these from Bath and Body Works Signature Collection ($9.50 each)are sure to do the trick and they are on sale now buy one get one 50%!

These are my favorite scents but you need to take a day and just smell every scent and there will be somthing that just tells you via the nose….. I need to relax! They have some nice effects on the skin, too!

If you are not that into the bubbles, try a bath oil and salt combo. Here is what I use when I need not just relaxation but a refresher:

Epsom Salt (click here to find out what this stuff can do)

and Avon Skin so Soft Bath Oil Original Scent (on sale at avon.com for $6.79). I love this for Summer baths because despite the sweet smell it keeps the bugs away!


For more glamorous divas who love to splurge, here is a little pricier version. Start with Aromatherapy bath salts from Bath and Body Works ($16.00 retail). I prefer the Eucalyptus/Speariment combo, but it comes in a lavender fragrance also. MMMMmmmmmmmm….now that is what I call relief!

I also love body oils to follow like these two that will have your baby whether 6’1 (you know, like a Denzel type) or 2’3 (better be your son or Katt Williams at that height) rubbing your skin and telling you how soft it is! Anyway the Neutrogena 16.9 oz size is about $14 retail and the Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Moisturizing Body Oil with Vitamin Eis about $6 retail. (Check CVS out for both) Use in or out of the tub …………especially nice in the shower.


 As for soap everyone has thier preferance and since this is my blog here are my favorites. I like St. Ives Mineral Therapy Bodywashfor all over cleansing. Nice fresh smell and does wonders for my dry legs and feet. You can get it at CVS for about ($4 retail) and of course you pouf.. I love Chez Dollaire’s ($1 retail for two of them and they do the same thing your does for $5 retail for one…you can’t beat it)

Oh, I almost forgot a good book at and a nice bevvie are great company while you relax and a couple of soft sounds wouldn’t hurt either. The most important thing to remember is when it’s bath time, it’s your time so make it all about YOU!

-The Inexpensive Diva


Hello………….. my beautiful butterflies!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello Butterflies!

Welcome to my blog on beauty through transformation. This blog is especially dedicated to men and women who suffer from Alopecia and Bell’s Palsy. Survivors…like myself (Bell’s Palsy) and my mother (Alopecia). These devastating conditions will rearrange your thoughts on everything including beauty. Transformation can be subtle, drastic and everything in between. Transformation is not just about a face or body shape, it is about the total person and be accepting of what is uniquely and beautifully yours to give in offering to the world. Transformation is a process but it is also a statement, an attitude. It is laughing until you cry, singing at the top of your lungs off key and dancing in the rain.

To me beauty is not just what we create on the outside but also the good, bad , and the ugly we create, love and hate that dwells within. I think that unless we are crazy we know the only thing we can count on besides the Father is change. I know I have had my share of change………. my looks, weight, hair, finances, car, priorities, and yes even my spirit too! I have had the best times of a life and felt so bad my spirit almost shattered like glass, but I am still here. Amazing isn’t it.

My blog is not about what is socially accepted as beauty my blog is about the beauty of triumph, of change and the contentment of just being you. My blog is about your beauty and my beauty. So come with me and fall head over heels with change and the beauty that you will find when you make peace with it. I am not promising conventional beauty in this blog (so check out myquarterlifestyle a blog by the infamous DEEDEELYNN  or for more lavish advice check out bellaintheburg by the original glamourpuss KIKi aka Lil’ KD if you need help with fashion and what’s current on the beauty scene)……….. I am promising a salve for the growing pains of change and some helpful tips and pictures along the way. I am still in process, a work in progress.  I have learned and am still learning to embrace change, to bend with it and to ride it till the wheels fall off. (Thanks, Martin Lawrence!)